Sigma Sigma Sigma Chapter- Montgomery County, Maryland
On October 16, 1995, Steve Taylor, and George Jefferson, while attending the Million Man March in Washington, laid the foundation for chartering a new chapter. While at How they reminisced on their college days and how they could bring their idea of a new chapter to fruition.
Anxious to get started on their endeavor, they deliberately recruited and welcomed other inactive Brothers from Montgomery County and throughout the Capitol Region to support the establishment of a new chapter. For several months meetings were held in member homes, church meeting rooms, and at Black-owned restaurants. A formal request for a chapter was submitted to Eastern Regional Director Marvin Cheatham on March 20, 1996.
The new chapter called Sigma Sigma Sigma was chartered on May 3, 1996. The name of Sigma Sigma Sigma was selected in recognition and memory of the Million Man March.
Chartered Members: Brothers Steven Taylor, Franklin Jones, Charles Robinson. Malcolm Bivens, Ben Gaither, George Jefferson, John Jackson, Shawn Stewart, Charles Gaines, Glenn Griffin, Linzell Miller, Linwood Nelson